[mk_button size=»large» icon=»mk-moon-download-2″ icon_anim=»vertical» url=»https://vk.com/doc12954610_317550584?hash=6844197720c5854d0e&dl=4c85474a34efae0168″ nofollow=»true» align=»center» fullwidth=»true» margin_top=»20″ margin_bottom=»20″ margin_right=»20″ bg_color=»#53aa4e»]СКАЧАТЬ ПОЛНЫЙ КОНСПЕКТ ЛЕКЦИЙ С ИЛЛЮСТРАЦИЯМИ [ENGLISH][/mk_button]
- Roots of Ayurveda
- Traditional medicine in Buddhist India
- Period of Systematization
- Philosophical Ideas in Ayurveda
- Human Body in Health
- Human Body in Disease
- Food and Drinks
- Code for Healthy Living
- Diseases
- Diagnosis and Prognosis
- Medical Treatment
- Materia Medica
- Surgical Treatment
- Surgical Instruments
- Treatment of Fractures; some surgical procedures
- Principles and methods of rejuvenation; enhancement of sexual potency and fertility.
- Selection of students: oath at initiation; process of training
- A Science Initiative in Ayurveda (ASIIA).
- Biological effects of Amalaki Rasayana in two models: Rats : Drosophila Melanogaster. Physico-Chemical characterisation of Rasasindur.
- An Ayurvedic view of Life
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